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Advance praise for my book Just Enough Software Architecture, Part II

May 17, 2010 | George Fairbanks

I’m honored to have received the following endorsement from a friend who works at Microsoft. I previously worked with Nicholas at Carnegie Mellon in David Garlan’s software architecture research group.

Just Enough Software Architecture will coach you in the strategic and tactical application of the tools and strategies of software architecture to your software projects. The first contribution of this book is a insightful guide that will help you identify the driving characteristics of your project and develop goals, value propositions, and implementation strategies for the role of architectural modeling in your project. Dr. Fairbanks goes on to provide clear instruction in the tactics and the tools of architectural modeling that will enable you to achieve your goals for the overall project. Whether you are a developer or an architect, this book is a solid foundation and reference for your architectural endeavors.

— Nicholas Sherman, Program Manager, Microsoft

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